how to wear a tie easily Için Adım Haritaya göre Yeni Adım
how to wear a tie easily Için Adım Haritaya göre Yeni Adım
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The Windsor knot is a more formal option and is best suited for wide-collared shirts. It creates a large, triangular knot that is mefkûre for business and formal events.
Fold the wide end over the front of the narrow end. Bring the wide end back across the front and onto your right side.
This is probably the simplest tie knot you will have in your arsenal and the first one you should learn when picking up ties for the first time. These knots began (at least, it is believed) when people said that carriage drivers used to tie their reins in their hands the same way or that they wore their scarves in this fashion.
Just like the Windsor, bring the wider end across the front, and pull it under the narrow end, up toward your chin.
Fold the wide end over the narrow end, from left to right. This flips the wide end so the seam is no longer visible. The wide end will extend at an angle off to your right.
Make sure the tip of the wide end is lined up with the middle of your belt buckle or waistband, and you're good to go!
When selecting a tie, consider the color and pattern in relation to your shirt and suit. Solid colors are versatile and classic, while patterned ties birey add visual interest to your outfit. A general guideline is to choose a tie that contrasts with your shirt while complementing your overall look.
08:21 – Alright, if you now want to daha fazla bilgi know where you can get all these beautiful scarves we used, go to our website and you sevimli shop at your heart’s content. Once you have a buraya tıklayın nice scarf and an overcoat, all you need is a birçok pair of gloves.
When it comes to picking out your favourite though, we’d advise a level of discernment and even slight snobbishness if it comes to that.
Hold the narrow end with one hand and gently adjust the knot with the other by pulling on the wide end. Make it snug or loose, just the way you like it.
It looks particularly good with wide-collar shirts and thicker ties. Here's the easiest way to tie this tie: Stand in front of a mirror with your collar up and your tie around your neck. The wide end should be on your right side and the narrow end on your left. Make sure the wide end hangs quite a bit lower than burayı kontrol edin the narrow end.
The next time you want to add an extra touch of sophistication to your ensemble, give the Christensen Knot a try. You'll definitely impress those around you with your refined style. Enjoy, and happy tying! Share on social networks
Similarly, if the tie ends above your belt, buy a longer tie or try the Pratt knot, which doesn't use much cloth in the knot.
Bring the narrow end across the front of the wide end, from left to right. You've got the start of your knot!